
Meet First Step – our latest Bader Grant Recipient of the Month!

I’m very happy to introduce our latest Bader Grant Recipient of the Month – First Step. This wonderful charity is celebrating its 30th Anniversary so it’s a fitting time to acknowledge it and the great work it does for families with babies and young children with disabilities.

The DBF is very proud to have been able to help First Step to continue their invaluable work.

Below is an introduction to this wonderfully supportive Hornchurch Charity and some links where you will find more information and contact and donation details for First Step.

I’m not sure how we as a family would have survived those early days without First Step providing a space where our situation wasn’t so unusual. Rob Hooper, father of Phoebe. See link below

First Step will be our Bader Grant Recipient of the Month until late January and we’ll be hearing more from them during their stint as BGRotM so please keep checking in!

First Step supports families of babies and pre-school children with disabilities and/or special needs and provides opportunities for educational development through play activities and therapeutic experiences.

First Step listens, respects and responds to parents/carers often when they feel there is nowhere else to turn.

Guidance, information and advice is offered in a friendly atmosphere of trust and confidentiality, thereby empowering parents and carers and encouraging peer support.

Our children’s needs are paramount.  In the year ending 31stMarch 2018, we had supported over 100 children and their families and referrals had increased by 7.89% over the previous year.

In the same year, as anticipated, we lost over 30% of our income as a consequence of the local authority removing grant funding from First Step.  Continued support for the children and their families is now reliant on fundraising and donations.

Our partnership with The Douglas Bader Foundation has supported educational sessions at First Step. We are so grateful to the Foundation for their commitment and shared values in recognising the need for early intervention to ensure every child can achieve their own, individual potential.

This is the story of Sera, mother of Aiden and Emily. Through her moving writing it becomes very clear that it is not just the children but also their parents who can get so much help from First Step: 

Local News Story: Below is a link to a recent story used by local Archant publication, the Romford Recorder:

First Step Facebook Page: