
DBF Supports Ukraine Mission

DBF supports Ukraine mission

DBF supports Ukraine mission organised by our friends LSN Ltd. The purpose of the mission is to deliver soft shell prosthetics to people in Ukraine who have been affected by amputation following the invasion of their country. They number over 8,000 already…

The team, which includes amputee veteran, Edward Hall, should reached Ukraine after travelling through Germany and overnighting in Poland. Edward will follow in the footsteps of DBF Ambassador, Alex Lewis, by talking to the patients personally and showing them that life doesn’t end with amputation.

I cannot think of a time and place where the Bader story is more important to share than in present day Ukraine Nicholas Mellor

More information follows from Nicholas and the team:

I am delighted to report that thanks to DBF’s support the mission is underway.  We are now half way across Germany and will be overnighting in Krakow before crossing in to Ukraine tomorrow.
I wanted to share the objectives with you, but also to say what an inspiration the Bader story is. 
1.     Deliver field ambulance vehicle and a vehicle for wheelchair access/mobility (procured and delivered with the support of the Douglas Bader Foundation and other donors)

2.     Set up prosthetics fitting training session, with the support of Koalaa to ensure we have a system in place for individual patient follow-up and sustaining this programme

3.     Through the above understand the process for introducing other innovative products and services supporting amputees, and the feasibility of a Ukraine Project Limitless

4.     Soft Launch of amputee support network and knowledge exchange aiming for 1-3 international events

a.     The impact of early intervention in the rehabilitation journey

b.     Encouraging Innovation – a case study in soft prosthetics and the challenge of above elbow amputations

c.     Reskilling amputees: purpose, welfare and livelihoods – case studies from around the world
I cannot think of a time and place where the Bader story is more important to share than in present day Ukraine, and we will expand on this in a blog for you. We have an exceptional team including Edward Hall who can speak on the subject with both the authenticity of personal experience as well as the authority of working with so many charities supporting veterans in the UK.
Thank you for your support,
Nicholas and the team
This is the 2nd trip for the team. On the first they were accompanied by DBF Ambassador, Alex Lewis, who was able to talk to and inspire some of the amputee patients, many who had lost limbs while defending their country. Over 8,000 amputees have already been created by the war following the invasion of Ukraine. With prosthetics difficult to come by in a war zone, many must have been feeling depressed and frustrated and they were delighted to meet Alex and to try out some of the soft shell prosthetics provided by the team.

DBF Supports Ukraine Mission

We are immensely proud to be supporting this brave team in their mission to support and inspire Ukrainian amputees.
You’ll find various coverage and useful links below.

Links: (will open in new tabs)