
Panathlon August Newsletter

Panathlon August Newsletter

Panathlon August Newsletter has landed!

Panathlon have been looking back at last term and reflecting on their positive impact on participants and schools. What’s clear is that the benefits of competing in Panathlon go way beyond just boosted confidence and self-esteem.

Our ripple effect can be seen on playgrounds and in classrooms and households across the country

In 2021/22, Panathlon gave over 50,000 young people with disabilities and special needs the opportunity to take part in competitive sport and, as always, the newsletter is packed with positive and life-affirming stories which bear out the benefits that come with taking part in Panathlon events.

Click on the link below to see the Panathlon August Newsletter.

You will also find a link to the Panathlon website at the bottom of this post where you can learn more about this very pro-active charity.

Links (will open in new tabs):