
Quadruple Amputations to Survive Sepsis. Kim’s story.

A follow up to yesterday’s post about the dangers of Sepsis, a potentially fatal condition that has been brought to our attention by Becki Campbell, whose mother, Kim, contracted it following a kidney infection resulting in all her 4 limbs being amputated. Kim and Becki are keen to raise awareness about Sepsis, a condition that is eminently treatable if caught early but can rapidly lead to multiple organ failure and death if symptoms aren’t spotted and treated quickly. It is vital that people who think that they or someone they know or care for might have Sepsis sees a doctor immediately and that doctors are on the alert for signs and act promptly.

As happened to Kim, amputations are a frequent consequence of Sepsis as the body will divert the blood supply from the extremities in order to protect the vital organs which can result in necrosis of the extremities and whole limbs in some cases, whereupon the only treatment possible is amputation.

Kim has featured in the Sunday Mirror today in an article that, again, they hope will bring attention to this frequently overlooked condition, which has recently been the subject of a fatal storyline in The Archers for the same reason.

You can read Kim’s story by clicking on the link to go to the Sunday Mirror article. Kim, who describes herself as being a “glass half full” person, has a wonderfully positive attitude to her situation just being glad to be alive and with her family. We all wish her the best with her healing and rehabilitation.

One issue that she and her family will face is the cost of home adaptations, living aids and some prostheses – all the things that will help Kim to live independently. The family have set up a crowdfunding page to help raise money towards these necessities and are very grateful for any financial support. Please click on the link to visit the page:

You can read the Sunday Mirror article here:

Click HERE to visit our previous post, where you will find links to various organisations offering information and advice about Sepsis.

We are extremely grateful to Becki for contacting us and sharing her family’s story in a bid to bring much needed public and medical attention to this terrible and all too common condition which kills 40,000 people in the UK every year.