
Thomas Talbot – My Sporting Journey, Part 4

Here is the 4th part of our amazing Junior Bader Grant Recipient of the Month, Thomas Talbot’s, Sporting Journey. As you’ll see, Thomas was delighted to take ownership of his new RaceRunner – the superb piece of kit that he hopes (and we are sure) will help him to get to the top of his chosen sport.

Part 5 of Thomas’s Sporting Journey will follow early next week so you can follow his progress using his new RaceRunner.

We are extremely proud of Thomas and delighted to have been able to support this very determined and dedicated young sportsman on his exciting journey. 


I have trained very hard through the winter and being a teenager I’m also growing and getting much taller. We found that my medium sized RaceRunner was just too small for me. Unfortunately these wonderful pieces of equipment do not come cheap so we started fundraising for my new RaceRunner.

I had a couple of assessments and with the brilliant advice from Quest 88 who supply the RaceRunners and kindly loaned me a large and then extra large RaceRunner, we were able to make the decision on what type of RaceRunner would be right for me.


We did a lot of fundraising including crowd funding and we were over the moon when we heard that the Douglas Bader Foundation wanted to support me again to help fund my new RaceRunner.

Thank you to everyone who supports and donates to the Douglas Bader Foundation as without them this would not have happened. I couldn’t believe it when in we got the news that my new RaceRunner had arrived from Denmark and I was so excited to finally get it. It is shiny and a brilliant black colour and quite light weight.


Thomas Talbot

Useful Links: (these will open in separate tabs)

Click on the link to download a pdf which can be printed or saved of the original document of Thomas’s My Sporting Journey Part 4

You can look forward to Part 5 of Thomas’s Sporting Journey, which will follow very soon.

We are extremely grateful to Thomas for sending us these fascinating and very insightful reports into what is involved in getting to the top of a chosen sport. Not for the faint-hearted…!