
Congratulations to DBF Ambassador Paul McNeive – His First Thriller Published…

Congratulations to DBF Ambassador, Paul McNeive, whose first thriller, “The Manhattan Project”, has been published in the UK and Ireland, where it has made the bestseller list. Translation rights have been sold to various territories, including Germany.

Paul is a double amputee, and the book was inspired by his own experiences with battling antibiotic infections in his stumps. (Sorry, but we can’t tell you more without spoiling the plot!) Paul tells us that the book also includes several scenes involving flying, which is another of his passions.

“The Manhattan Project” is available in bookshops, Amazon, Kindle and Apple books.

5.0 out of 5 stars. A riveting read – with a scarily plausible plot! Great novel, a warning for all on marketing, drugs, fast food and revenge ! Cannot wait for the movie and for the next instalment… Amazon Verified Purchase Review