
Different Heroes High School Scholarship

We have been contacted by Julia Scott from SportsHi, a for-purpose company dedicated to expanding college opportunities for high school students through sports!

Different Heroes High School Scholarship is a $2,500 award which will be granted to a high school student athlete with limb difference.

This lovely opportunity is available in the USA  so please spread the word if you know anyone with limb difference who could benefit from it. The scholarship is open to students in grades 9-12, who must have played at least one sport in high school.

Different Heroes High School Scholarship

As you can see, the deadline for applications is approaching rapidly but SportsHi is keen to attract as many applicants as possible within the time frame.
We would love the scholarship to positively impact a student.

Please click on the link below to be taken to the Different Heroes High School Scholarship where you will find more information and a link to the application form. 

Links: (will open in new tabs)

You will need to download the Different Heroes app to apply so you can check it out here: