
An Amazing Opportunity for a Young Amputee!

We’ve been contacted by Mel Walden, Casting Executive for One Tribe TV, a factual television production company owned by award-winning MD Dale Templar and Creative Director Owen Gay (see link below), about what could be a wonderful opportunity for a young single or double leg amputee aged 8-15. 

Please read on for information and scroll down for links which will appear below the post. (Parents, please be sure to read the parental advice below*.)

Dear Parent

Jonnie Peacock is looking for children aged 8-15 who usually require a prosthetic leg(s) to take part in sport to join Jonnie’s Blade Camp for Channel 4. 

We are delighted to be making a new documentary for Channel 4’s Sport and Events department that will most likely air in the run-up to the 2020 Paralympics. The working title is Jonnie’s Blade Camp: Double Paralympic 100m champion Jonnie Peacock (MBE) will meet and personally train a small group of children who usually require a prosthetic leg (or legs) to take part in sport, so that they can run with a blade. These children may have lost interest in sport, or, conversely, they may really enjoy running but a blade would help them improve further. Another child may not know of his or her own running potential until trained by Jonnie. 

Why does Jonnie want to make this programme?  He is passionate about showing children with limb loss (and their families) the importance of being physically active, and that there should be no barriers to inclusion in school or club sports activities if we give children the support and the tools they need. He is a shining example of where determination, hard work and self-belief…and the support of your family, can get you. Hear more from Jonnie here in the C4 press release:

If any parent has a child aged 8-15 who would really flourish from being one of the children in Jonnie’s Blade Camp, we ask that they email with an introduction paragraph to the family. Mel will get in touch to explain much more about the filming (starting this autumn with revisits through to spring 2020).  No commitment is needed by getting in touch, but we also need to be clear that we cannot guarantee participation by coming forward.

*IMPORTANT, PLEASE NOTE: We advise that parents do NOT disclose the full nature of documentary to the children at this early stage, ie do not mention Jonnie Peacock and blades. As this is a selection process, we are mindful that children will feel incredibly disappointed if they are not chosen to take part. We feel we should work together to manage their expectations and to stop unnecessary heartache at these early stages. We ask that you simply tell them for now that we are looking for children for a programme about children and disability sport in a way that feels right coming from the parents. 

Please note: an expression of interest does not guarantee participation

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Many thanks

Mel Walden, Casting Executive, One Tribe TV

Useful Links: (will open in new tabs)









Tag a mum or dad who might be interested. 

Parents – does your child need a prosthetic leg (or legs) to participate in sport?  Would you like to see your kid get even more active?  How would he or she liketo train with double champion Jonnie Peacock on a blade? 


If your child is aged 8-15 and wants to get back into running, or wants the confidence to try running for the first time, email to introduce your family and One Tribe TV will get back in touch to tell you more about Jonnie’s new Channel 4 programme, Jonnie’s Blade Camp, part of the C4 Paralympics season in 2020.


To find out what happens to your data, go to:

Please note: an expression of interest does not guarantee participation.






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Parents! Jonnie Peacock is looking for kids aged 8-15yo who need a prosthetic leg(s) to take part in sport – for new C4 doc ‘Jonnie’s Blade Camp’, part of the #paralympics2020 season of programmes.  Go to find out more.