
DBF Support KartForce with BADER GRANT

KartForce logo screenshot

The Douglas Bader Foundation is delighted to have been able to support KartForce (Kart Racing for Injured Troops) through its Bader Grants Scheme. You can read more about the contribution below:

We’re very proud to SHOUT out LOUD that the hand control’s we designed with OMS are RADICAL!
The hand controls met the Jaguar… and they fit like a glove!
The Online Motorsport Solutions technicians have taken the steering wheel and paddles away to get it all married up connected.
The “box of tricks” will then be fitted in the car and connected to the brakes, throttle, gear shifter, etc.

Next Stage – road test and get the hand controls inspected by the MSA.
These hand controls are the most advanced hand controls in existence – there are no other hand controls like them.
We’ll be able to fit them to any race car that has a sequential gear box which means, for the first time, hand controls can be fitted to any race car and removed after.
The lads can therefore race in almost any car, as solo racing drivers or as a team.
The road test can’t happen soon enough!
All this has only been made possible by the amazing support and grant given to us by The Douglas Bader Foundation – a WWII double amputee hero making it happen for another generation of amputee heroes.


KartForce do a fantastic job and we are proud to be associated with them. Please visit their Website to learn more about them and what they do.