
Sponsor a Plant for Limbcare’s Well Being Garden

Ray Edwards, Chairman of the great charity, Limbcare, has contacted us about this inspiring idea. Almost everyone, whether or not a keen gardener, is aware of the beneficial properties of flowers and plants and a garden bringing awareness of the challenges faced by amputees is a wonderful idea. The garden will be on view at the Hampton Court Flower Show, which is open from the 3rd – 8th July 2018.

Ray is a quadruple amputee who has certainly experienced the traumatic journey himself. Now, as well as running Limbcare, he is an inspirational speaker and a wonderful help and support to amputees and people with limb difference. 

Please check out the forms and information below and contact Ray if you’d like to contribute to this really original and exciting project. 

Your donation will help us build this wonderful garden depicting the traumatic journey an amputee goes through. Ray Edwards, MBE
