
Update on Bader Braves Flying Days

Amidst the uncertainty surrounding Covid-19 and the easing – or not – of various restrictions, one thing has now sadly but not unexpectedly been confirmed.

Keith Delderfield, the DBF Bader Braves Flying Days Coordinator informs us that, with regret, all Flying Days this year up until the 22nd August, the revised date for the Bader Braves Young Aviators Day at the Moray Flying Club, Kinloss Barracks, have been cancelled due to the coronavirus. Obviously some doubt remains about future dates but we should know shortly whether the events scheduled for the 22nd August and beyond will be going ahead and will update you as soon as we have definite information.

We apologise for any disappointment but, as always, the safety of our Braves and their families is paramount and we’ll be guided by advice from our participating airfields.

We hope to make it up to you with a cracking Bader Braves Programme for 2021!