
Keysoe CPEDI – Emma Stevens

I’m delighted to report that Para Dressage rider Emma Stevens, current Featured Bader Grant Recipient, also had a good competition at Keysoe CPEDI.

Despite it being their first international competition, Emma and her beautiful home-bred horse, River, achieved marks of 66.348%/63.424% and 65.687% across the 3 days, which is a very impressive start and bodes well for the future. Emma should be very encouraged by their performance.

Emma is currently our Featured Bader Grant Recipient and we are delighted to have been able to support her in a sport she loves and clearly excels at. Congratulations to her and River (the foal of her own pony, Fudge) on such a promising debut.

As you’ll see from the featured image – they certainly didn’t come away empty handed!

Keysoe CPEDI - Emma Stevens
Emma and River stepping out at Keysoe
Emma Stevens and River at Keysoe CPEDI
Emma competing on River at Keysoe CPEDI